project aim
BeeAware! would like to inspire communities in the Alps for bee protection and thus improve the livelihoods of honey and wild bees. Bees depend on an intact biodiversity. The different bee species need different plants, nesting and drinking places to survive. Holistic bee protection must therefore mean preserving, improving and increasing the habitat of these important pollinators.
project runtime:
2018 - 2019
CIPRA International Alpine Town of the Year
€ 680.000,00

Intensive agriculture, the use of pesticides and fertilizers, the cultivation of monocultures and increasing soil consumption endanger bees and contribute significantly to the worldwide death of bees. BeeAware! wants to inspire communities in the Alps to protect bees and thus improve the livelihoods of these important pollinators.
The BeeAware! project implements various bee protection measures in the areas of awareness raising, sustainable beekeeping and the expansion of the bee habitat. In addition, the project is accompanied by a broad-based communication and public relations work. The focus here is on communicating the project contents and results. The measures and methods developed in the project are to be disseminated and thus motivate other communities and regions for bee protection.
The project will be implemented in 25 pilot communities in the Alps. Each participating community is provided with a so-called bee protection package, which includes various measures, awareness-raising work and implementation materials. The communities are supported by counselors and experts. Communication and public relations work is carried out both locally and internationally.
BeeAware! will run from 2018 to 2020 and is funded by an animal protection foundation and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Germany (BMU). Cipra International manages the project in partnership with "Alliance in the Alps" and Alpine Town of the Year.