About "Alliance in the Alps"
At the same time, they have to cope with a variety of tasks. They often lack the time and expertise to find their way around all topics. It is often difficult to assess the consequences of their actions. Daring to try something new is an experiment.
The members of the network of municipalities work for an intact nature, a healthy economy and a good coexistence in the Alps. They promote active exchange across language and cultural borders. They focus on people, focus on the future and go new ways together.
The Community Network "Alliance in the Alps" is an association of local authorities and regions from seven Alpine states and was founded in 1997. Its members, together with their citizens, strive to develop their Alpine living environment in a sustainable way. “Exchange - Address – Implement” is the main idea behind the Alliance’s activities. The basic and guiding principle for sustainable development is the Alpine Convention. Its implementation is to come to life wherever individuals are able to shape their future, i.e. in the community.
And to ensure that the wheel does not have to be re-invented each time, "Alliance in the Alps" offers an exchange of experience and information beyond the boundaries of language and culture. All the publications and events are in four languages: German, French, Italian and Slovene.