Online-Event: Workshop Health – Work – Life!
Öffentlicher WorkshopIdeas for sustainable lifestyles in the Alps – 9. December 2020, online.
09.12.2020 14:00 – 18:00
09.12.2020 14:00 – 30.03.2021 18:00
Katharina GasteigerLessons learnt from the Interreg Alpine Space project HEALPS2 or how a health tourism strategy can contribute to improving living and working conditions in the Alps.
In the workshop, valuable experience of innovative regional development initiatives will be shared and success factors, barriers to success, chances and risks will be jointly identified and discussed. Particular attention will be paid to opportunities to strengthen the engagement and integration of the young generation to foster regional development processes that shape and are shaped by young people’s lives in Alpine regions.
Registration here.