Permafrost thawing in the Alps: New insights on risks, monitoring & hazard management

Öffentlicher Workshop

In June 2023, thousands of tonnes of rock have broken off the Fluchthorn massif in the Silvretta Alps, taking off part of the southern summit. This incident – which fortunately did not lead to any casualties – shows impressively how climate change affects the stability of permafrost and that there is a high need for action. We need to get a better understanding about permafrost distribution in the Alpine regions, its stability, and what kind of risks and hazards are expected by this increasingly thawing high-mountain permafrost in the future.




28.09.2023 10:00  –  12:00



As Alpine Climate Board (ACB), a working body of the Alpine Convention (AC), we want to bring you up to date on the latest scientific findings related to permafrost in the Alps and where we stand with respect to a cross-border and integrated monitoring (as part of our Climate Action Plan 2.0). Also, we want to highlight activities on how different stakeholders in the Alps deal with permafrost thawing and which risk management measures are already implemented or foreseen.

We are thus glad to invite you to our next ACB webinar, including the following speakers:

  • Dr. Isabelle Gärtner-Roer, University of Zurich: State-of-the-art on permafrost research in the Alps
  • Dr. Ingo Hartmeyer, GeoResearch: Risk management strategies for tourism infrastructures, municipalities and national parks
  • Dr. Tobias Hipp, Deutscher Alpenverein: How the Alpine Clubs are dealing with permafrost instability


The webinar will be held in English.

Registration and link

The webinar is free of charge. Please register here by Wednesday, 27 September 2023. All participants will receive the Zoom link prior to the webinar. Please take note that this webinar will be recorded and published on the channels of the Alpine Convention.   

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